Help my baby hates tummy time

Help my baby hates tummy time

As a new mum, you might have heard about the importance of tummy time for your baby's development. However, not all babies take to tummy time immediately, and it can be challenging if your little one doesn’t seem to enjoy it. This article will provide you with essential tummy time tips and techniques to make this activity more enjoyable for both you and your baby. We'll also explore why tummy time is crucial, how to handle your baby's reactions, and offer some effective alternatives.


What is Tummy Time?

Tummy time is the practice of placing your baby on their stomach while they are awake and supervised. This activity is essential for strengthening the muscles needed for various stages of your baby's physical development. During tummy time, your baby learns to lift their head, push up with their arms, and eventually crawl. This simple yet effective exercise sets the foundation for critical milestones in their growth.

Tummy time should begin shortly after birth, with sessions lasting just a few minutes several times a day. As your baby grows and becomes more comfortable, you can gradually increase the duration. It's crucial to always supervise your baby during tummy time to ensure their safety.


Why is Tummy Time Important?

The benefits of tummy time cannot be overstated. This activity plays a vital role in your baby's overall development, contributing to various aspects of their growth:

  • Muscle Development: Tummy time helps strengthen the muscles in your baby's neck, shoulders, arms, and back. These muscles are crucial for lifting their head, pushing up, and eventually crawling.
  • Gross Motor Skills: By engaging in tummy time, your baby develops essential gross motor skills, such as rolling, sitting, and crawling. These skills are the building blocks for more advanced movements as they grow.
  • Preventing Flat Spots: Spending time on their tummy helps prevent flat spots on the back of your baby's head, a condition known as positional plagiocephaly. Tummy time ensures that your baby’s head shape develops evenly.
  • Visual and Sensory Stimulation: Being on their tummy allows your baby to explore their surroundings from a different perspective. This new viewpoint stimulates their visual and sensory development, enhancing their ability to interact with the world around them.


Should I Let My Baby Cry During Tummy Time?

It's common for babies to fuss or cry during tummy time, especially in the beginning. However, letting your baby cry excessively during this activity is not recommended. Here are some guidelines to help you navigate your baby's reaction to tummy time:
  • Short Sessions: Start with short tummy time sessions, just a few minutes at a time. Gradually increase the duration as your baby becomes more comfortable. The goal is to build tolerance and enjoyment without causing distress.
  • Comfort and Reassurance: If your baby cries during tummy time, provide comfort and reassurance. Pick them up, give them a cuddle, and try again later. It's essential to create a positive association with tummy time.
  • Variety and Engagement: Make tummy time more engaging by incorporating toys, mirrors, and other stimulating objects. Position yourself at eye level with your baby to provide encouragement and interaction.

Remember, every baby is different. Some may take to tummy time quickly, while others need more time to adjust. Be patient and responsive to your baby's cues, ensuring they feel safe and supported.


How Can I Get My Baby to Like Tummy Time?

If your baby is not a fan of tummy time, don’t worry. There are several tummy time techniques you can try to make the experience more enjoyable:
  • Use Favourite Toys: Place your baby's favourite toys within reach to encourage them to lift their head and reach out. You can arrange toys in a circle around your baby to keep them engaged.
  • Get Down on the Floor: Join your baby on the floor at their eye level. Your presence and interaction can make tummy time more comforting and enjoyable for them.
  • Incorporate Play: Turn tummy time into a fun activity by singing songs, making funny faces, or using toys that make noise. This helps distract your baby and makes the time more enjoyable.
  • Mirror Play: Place a mirror in front of your baby. Babies love looking at their reflections, and this can keep them entertained while strengthening their neck and shoulder muscles.
  • Comfortable Surface: Ensure that your baby is on a comfortable and supportive surface, such as a soft linen play mat or a folded towel. A Luxe Play Mat can provide a generous and soft area for tummy time, making the experience more comfortable for your baby.
  • Use Props: Prop your baby up with a nursing pillow or a rolled-up towel under their chest and arms. This elevated position can make tummy time more comfortable and help them get used to being on their stomach.
  • Massage and Gentle Movements: Gently massage your baby's back and legs during tummy time to help them relax. This can make the experience more soothing and enjoyable for them.
  • Short and Frequent Sessions: Instead of one long tummy time session, opt for several short sessions throughout the day. This helps your baby gradually build endurance and become more accustomed to the position.

Alternatives to Tummy Time

If your baby continues to resist tummy time despite your efforts, there are alternatives you can try to achieve similar benefits:

  • Lap time: Place your baby stomach-down across your lap while you are seated. This position provides a change of scenery and can help them get used to being on their tummy.
  • Tummy to Tummy: Lie on your back and place your baby on your chest, tummy to tummy. This position allows for bonding while encouraging your baby to lift their head and strengthen their muscles.
  • Side Laying: Lay your baby on their side with a rolled-up towel or small pillow behind their back for support. This position helps them develop neck and shoulder muscles while providing a different perspective.
  • Baby Wearing: Using a baby carrier, wear your baby facing outward. This allows them to engage their muscles while being close to you, providing comfort and security.
  • Upright Positions: Hold your baby in an upright position, such as over your shoulder. This encourages them to lift their head and work on their neck muscles.


Why Persist with Tummy Time

Tummy time is a crucial part of your baby's development, helping them build strength, prevent flat spots, and develop essential gross motor skills. While it can be challenging if your baby doesn't initially enjoy tummy time, patience and creativity can make a significant difference. By incorporating tummy time tips and techniques, you can create a positive and comfortable tummy time experience for your baby.

Remember to be responsive to your baby's cues and avoid letting them cry excessively during tummy time. If traditional tummy time is not working, consider trying the alternatives mentioned to achieve similar developmental benefits. Every baby is unique, and finding the right approach will help ensure their growth and development are on track.

Happy tummy time!

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